Kingkiller Chronicle Wiki
Kingkiller Chronicle Wiki
"There was a great deal of overlap between Tema and Aturan. They used the same characters for writing, and many words are related."

Tema is a child language of Temic. It is the language of the Amyr before the Aturan Empire had fallen. It is related to the Aturan language and uses the same letters.

Known terms[]

Term Meaning
Alpura Prolycia Amyr Proclamation disbanding the Amyr[2]
Ve Valora Sartane The name of a play.[3]
Ivare enim euge 'For the greater good'[4][5]

In the Chronicle[]

Kvothe teaches himself enough Tema through autodidactism to defend himself in the courts of Imre against the charges on malfeasance.


  1. The Wise Man's Fear, Chapter 146: "Failures"
  2. The Wise Man's Fear, Chapter 39: "Contradictions"
  3. The Name of the Wind, Chapter 82: "Ash and Elm"
  4. The Name of the Wind, Chapter 39: "Enough Rope"
  5. The Name of the Wind, Chapter 41: "Friend's Blood"

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