Kingkiller Chronicle Wiki


I think the Simmon especulation should not be there as the facts given to prove the point he is the sandy man that recognizes Kvothe are so week. Simmon is an important person to Kvothe and vice versa and seems impossible that both would have forgotten each other at the time the encounter takes place. So I will copy it and paste it after this note:

"Simmon's first appearance may be in the introductory portion of The Name of The Wind with Wilem when a traveling group stops by the Waystone Inn before the Chronicler arrives at the Inn. With the group that stops by the Waystone, two men are described as being "well-spoken, well-dressed, one sandy-haired, one dark." This description fits with that of Simmon who is described as "Sandy-haired" and Wilem wh is described as "Dark." The well-spoken and well-dressed would also line up with Simmon and Wilem as both are wealthy and educated people. Another piece of information that suggests that Simmon is the "Sandy-haired man" is that he confronts Kvothe in the Waystone thinking that it is him and says "I heard you sing in Imre once. Cried my eyes out afterward." When Kvothe first sings for Wilem and Simmon in Imre at the Eolian, Simmon is crying like a baby after Kvothe is done with his song. The Sandy-haired man is also drunk while at the Waystone and when Kvothe's band of friends go to a place with drinks, Simmon is usually the first getting drunk." Cthaeh (talk) 21:17, April 4, 2013 (UTC)

If it was Simmon he would not have said "I heard you sing in Imre once" he would instead have recognized him immediately and the same with Kvothe. And Imre is place of well-spoken, well-dressed people so it is not strange that someone that has once heard Kvothe sing has recognized him because of the Eolian. There are more than two people that are sandy-hair or dark-haired in the world and they can get drunk and cry without being mistaken with another people... 12:57, June 18, 2013 (UTC)
