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In Temerant, most nations have developed a unique language.

List of languages[]

The following is a list of languages known throughout the history of Temerant.

The Archives potentially contains the knowledge to learn any language. However some languages, such as Yillish are old languages that very few people speak, and thus are difficult to learn without proper instruction. There are potentially very many more languages that have just not been explained and many more dialects in those.

Unknown terms[]

The following is a list of terms or phrases used by individuals in Temerant. The language(s) of the terms are unknown.

Term Meaning
Aeruh The name of air in Skarpi's story[1]
Andan Anger[2]
Aroi te denna-leyan

(RD: /ə'ɾɔɪ tɛ dɛnæ'leɪæn/)

Abjuration against demons. 'Denna-leyan' might be a word for dennerling[3]
Auri Kvothe says it means sunny, but doesn't know where he learned it or the language[4]
blac Battle[5]
Celum Tinture

(RD: /'keɪlʊm 'tɪntʃə/)

Title of an alchemy text.[6]
Cyaerbasalien Elodin uses this to break a wall in the crockery made of stone and copper.[7] 'Cyae' has already been noted as Yllish.
deoch To drink[8]
Edro Open.[9] Probably a loanword from Sindarin.
E'lir See-er[10][11]
El'the Third rank of student in the Arcanum.
En Temerant Voistra Book not in the Archives. Temerant is the name of the world in which The Kingkiller Chronicle takes place.[12]
Ferula Haliax uses this word to injure and control Cinder, so it may be his true name[13] or even a slightly modified version of Ferule, to avoid saying Cinder's true name more than once in the telling of his story.
gilthe Arcanum guilder[14]
hayel House (of)[15][16]
kvothe To know (as told to Kvothe by his father) [17]
Ludis The name of the moon in Hespe's story[18]
Silanxi The name of stone in Skarpi's story[19]
Regim Ignaul Neratum The proper name for Bone-tar.[20]
Re'lar Speaker[21]
Skethe te retaa van Kvothe swears with this phrase.[22]. Used immediately before he says to Denna, "Lock up your sons and daughters", after she claims her date is a Lord. Vashet calls Kvothe a "twiggy little skeeth", presumably in Aturan.
Tirani Possibly 'a thinker'. Puppet may just be ignoring Simmon's question.[23]
quetentan Question. Elodin describes it as[24]
Quoyan Wind[25][16]

(PR: /və'lɛɹɪtɑs/)[26]

Enscribed on the four-plate door.


  1. The Name of the Wind, Chapter 26: "Lanre Turned"
    "Aeruh, I command the air. Lay leaden on your tongue."
  2. The Name of the Wind, Chapter 28: "Tehlu's Watchful Eye"
    "And beside her came Andan, whose face was a mask with burning eyes, whose name meant anger."
  3. The Name of the Wind, Chapter 1: "A Place for Demons"
    "Kote swallowed and changed languages. “Aroi te denna-leyan!” “Oh come now,” Bast reproached, his smile falling away. “That’s just insulting.”"
  4. The Wise Man's Fear, Chapter 11: "Haven"
    "Auri means sunny."
  5. The Name of the Wind, Chapter 26: "Lanre Turned"
    "Blac meant ‘battle’ in the language of the time"
  6. The Wise Man's Fear, Chapter 143: "Bloodless"
    "Inside was the copy of Celum Tinture I’d stolen from Caudicus’ library. Not a particularly rare book, but a useful resource for an alchemist exiled from the Archives."
  7. The Name of the Wind, Chapter 46: "The Ever-Changing Wind"
    "Veins of copper running through the blocks of stone that made the wall."
  8. The Name of the Wind, Chapter 54: "A Place to Bum"
    "Deoch means ‘to drink.’ Will you let me buy you one later?"
  9. The Wise Man's Fear, Chapter 83: "Lack of Sight"
    "Taborlin struck the trunk with his hand and shouted. ‘Edro!’ The lid of the chest popped open"
  10. The Name of the Wind, Chapter 86: "The Fire Itself"
    "They became E’lir, which means see-er."
  11. The Wise Man's Fear, Chapter 40: "Puppet"
    "A see-er, because that is what E’lir means."
  12. The Wise Man's Fear, Chapter 13: "The Hunt"
    "In the end, I found nineteen of the books. All of them except En Temerant Voistra."
  13. The Name of the Wind, Chapter 16: "Hope"
    "“Ferula.” Cinder’s quicksilver grace disappeared. He staggered, his body suddenly rigid with pain."
  14. The Name of the Wind, Chapter 9: "Riding in the Wagon with Ben"
    "That is a true gilthe. Or guilder if you prefer"
  15. The Name of the Wind, Chapter 69: "Wind or Women s Fancy"
    "Quoyan means ‘wind.’ This is rightly named ‘the House of the Wind.’"
  16. 16.0 16.1 The Name of the Wind, Chapter 89: "A Pleasant Afternoon"
  17. The Name of the Wind, Chapter 7: "Of Beginnings and the Names of Things"
    "But I was brought up as Kvothe. My father once told me it meant “to know.”"
  18. The Wise Man's Fear, Chapter 88: "Listening"
    "“Only my name?” [the moon] asked, sliding her hand around his waist. Jax nodded. She leaned close and spoke warmly against his ear, “Ludis.”"
  19. The Name of the Wind, Chapter 26: "Lanre Turned"
    "Silanxi, I bind you. By the name of stone, be still as stone."
  20. The Name of the Wind, Chapter 62: "Leaves"
  21. The Name of the Wind, Chapter 86: "The Fire Itself"
    "“Do you know what Re’lar means?” [Elodin] asked me conversationally. “It translates as ‘speaker,’” I said."
  22. The Wise Man's Fear, Chapter 5: "The Eolian"
    "“He’s a lord in his own right.” “Skethe te retaa van,” I swore. “Lock up your sons and daughters.”"
  23. The Wise Man's Fear, Chapter 40: "Puppet"
    "“What’s tirani?” Simmon asked. “A thinker,” Puppet mused."
  24. The Name of the Wind, Chapter 69: "Wind or Women s Fancy"
    "They thought Quoyan was an early root of quetentan: question. But it isn’t."
  25. The Name of the Wind, Chapter 69: "Wind or Women s Fancy"

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