Eld Vintic is an ancient language spoken in Vintas.
Known terms[]
Term | Meaning |
Facci-Moen ve Scrivani | the title of an Eld Vintic set of 12 books on the schematics of Articing, written by Surthur[1] |
caesura | a complete break in the meter of a poem[2] |
calanthis | a sip-quick bird or flits[3] |
In the Chronicle[]
The ninth volume of the Scrivani that Fela finds for Kvothe when he needs a gram schema is written in Eld Vintic. Simmon studied Eld Vintic poetry with Master Linguist Herma for three semesters and helps with the translation.
Notes and references[]
- ↑ The Wise Man's Fear, Chapter 28: "Kindling"
- ↑ The Wise Man's Fear, Chapter 33: "Fire"
- ↑ The Wise Man's Fear, Chapter 64: "Flight"
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