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The Book of the Path is the crucial religious text of the Tehlin religion.


Tehlin priests read extracts from it in church and during trials.[1][2] It contains references to skin dancers, and other named 'demons'.[3][4] There are many references to Tehlu, Andan, Ordal and other angels.[5] Church copies are written on vellum, and are small enough to hold in one hand, with the iron wheel on the front cover.[6][7]


Known quotations from the book are:

Quotation Notes
Do not call on Tehlu save in the greatest need, for Tehlu judges every thought and deed[8]
To ash all things return, so too this flesh will burn.[9]
Tehlu shelter me from iron and anger.

Tehlu keep me safe from demons in the night.

Tehlu who the fire could not kill, watch over me in fire.

Tehlu who held Encanis to the wheel, watch over me in darkness.[10]

Likely quotation as is well-structured and likely a recitation
Tehlu, whose eyes are true,

Watch over me.

Tehlu, son of yourself,

Watch over me.

Tehlu who was Menda who you were.

Watch over me in Menda’s name,

In Perial’s name

In Ordal’s name

In Andan’s name

Watch over me.[10]

Likely quotation as is well-structured and likely a recitation


  1. The Name of the Wind, Chapter 23: "The Burning Wheel"
    "Parts of [Trapis's] story had been awkward and stumbling, but some were stately and grand, as if he had been reciting them from some half-forgotten memory. Of sermons? Of his readings from the Book of the Path?"
  2. The Wise Man's Fear, Chapter 46: "Interlude — A Bit of Fiddle"
    "[My account of the trial] would be tedious. Endless formal speeches and readings from the Book of the Path."
  3. The Wise Man's Fear, Chapter 46: "Interlude — A Bit of Fiddle"
    "My ma used to read to me from the Book of the Path. There’s plenty of demons in there. Some hide in men’s bodies, like we’d hide under a sheepskin."
  4. The Wise Man's Fear, Chapter 14: "The Hidden City"
  5. The Wise Man's Fear, Chapter 35: "Secrets"
    ""I was careful never to scrape off Tehlu's name though. Or Andan's, or any of the other angels," she added piously.
    I looked at it more closely and saw it was true. She'd painted the Amyr so the words Andan and Ordal rested directly on top of his shoulders, one on each side."
  6. The Wise Man's Fear, Chapter 35: "Secrets"
    "It was actual vellum, high-quality stuff."
  7. The Wise Man's Fear, Chapter 40: "Puppet"
    "Clutched tightly in one hand was a tiny replica of the Book of the Path, perfectly fashioned, right down to the tiny spoked wheel painted on the cover."
  8. The Name of the Wind, Chapter 20: "Bloody Hands Into Stinging Fists"
  9. The Wise Man's Fear, Chapter 32: "Blood and Ash"
  10. 10.0 10.1 The Wise Man's Fear, Chapter 91: "Flame, Thunder, Broken Tree"