I have a theory on what Bredon is more than who he is. I think he is a Faen. I think it was when he gave Kvothe the gold, silver, iron rings he said something to the effect of "a gift freely give without leen(lean?) or lent. That was very close to what Bast said to Chronicler when he gave him the crown mad of holly and what not. Not very much of a connection, i know but the way Bast said it, it was almost ritualistic, telling Chronicler that by taking this gift there is no trickery and i can't hold you to any obligation or pack or bargain. In some fairy tales people get bound to a creature or loose their souls and all that fun stuff. When Kvothe gets the stories from the nobles Bredon is said to pagan rituals (in the nighttime or moonlight, i can remember the wording and i'm to lazy to go look. :) ) When the play Tak Bredon is toying with Kvothe as is favored by the Fae to play with mortals or manlings. But when he tells Bredon that he can beat him he absolutely destroys him over and over and over. This gives me the idea that he is older that others realize because the way Kvothes character is written, he meets a wall and quicker than most figures a way over, around, under or through the wall. Kvothe always comes out on top in some shape or form but with some scars. Him not being able to come close to a beautiful game gives me the idea that the game is OLD, like thousands of years old. Not many beings can master it the way Bredon is described to play. The Amyr, the Sithe, The Singers are groups the leader of the Chandrians said hunt them. The Chandrians and the Amyr have been around for a log time. The Amyr could live long lives knowing how to slip in and out of society, keeping low profiles (sorta like modern day vampires in media :) ). But the Chandrians obviously live long lives, possible immortals. The Singers aren't mentioned anywhere else that i remember unless the have other alias's that no one knows yet. that leaves the Sithe who watch the Cthaeh. The Sithe are in the Fae realm or whatever its called. They are know to kill things from half a mile away with bows. What if Bredon is a Faen leader, like really high up in the social or military ranks in their courts. There must be some kind of royalty there or a hierarchy in the Fae realm since there was a creation war and some needs to lead. So i think Bredon is some of some consequence to the Fae who is Glamoured to look human, His walking sick might be a sword or bow and he watches the Maer's court and there are probably others like him that watch other courts, He might have been interested in Kvothe because he is intriguing and later might be there to see if Kvothe has any lasting effect from the Cthaeh. I think it didn't because Felurian didn't stop him from returning. I don't believe it was vanity from Kvothe holding her song hostage. I think Kvothe took a step (possibly a massive step) on the path to being a true name-er, see-er, speak-er or whatever it was called when the first people made the Fae realm before there were men or fae when he bound Felurian with the wind and her true name. And by taking that step he has gained some kind of protection from the Cthaeh.
So long story short i think Bredon is a Fae "Watcher" of some sorts from the Fae Courts, possibly a royal, Kvothe might have some ancestral blood that goes back to the first magic wielders, or maybe part Fae. Bredon being master ash might be possible but it seems too easy of a correlation to me.
Some other wild thoughts i think are probable, one of the teachers at the University or someone in Imre is a fae watcher gathering info on people who might be useful . Denna's patron is either a Chandrian or and Amyr. Chandrain seems the most likely but i think its the Amyr and a lower ranking one kind of like a scout for talent. The "beatings" she gets is her getting martial training. The wedding might have been her patron not having back up to take on the group of 7 that arrived and that's why he couldn't be seen there. I think there's a hidden war that goes on between the Amyr, Singers, Fae and the Chandrians and the normal civilians have no clue because of the information being restricted. The main religion they follow is based on one the the "original man" who made the Faen realm. i think Kvothe has some blooding to the "original men" through one parent (most likely his mother) and possibly a Faen bloodline from his father. i think his father was some kind of well known Fae at court maybe royal and had to leave so he took the persona of Edema Ruh to keep moving around. His mother was a Lackless and the family being around for thousands of years probably had a connection the the creation war.
That's it. Those are some of my thoughts and theory's on the books, minor to probably crazy. I would love more stories with Auri in them. I find her character interesting. Same goes with the University professors, even Hemme. A-Hole characters make the story more fun and real.
I hope when The Doors of Stone comes out we get to know the real connection of the Amyr, the Chandrians, the Sithe (Faen), the Singers, all the way back to the creation war and the original men. Of coarse wth is behind the stone doors, how the lackless are connected. I really want to know more about Kvothe's parents. If it does end in a trilogy and not a 4 part-er i hope Pat answers most of it.
Here's something i found funny. All this time i've been reading Bredons name as Brandon. I even typed all this out and had to go back and fix his name's spelling. Anyone else read books and see a name and your brain assigns it a different one. Mine does it all the time. I've read a series titled The Deeds Of Paksenarrion and a character has a name Arcolin and my brain just assigned him the name acorn and i reread it over at first noticing the mistake then i said screw, you are now captain acorn.